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service phone 400-123-4657


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exposure什么意思expose,前面背过,动词,意思是袒露、使曝光。ure,常见的名词后缀,更多例子另有:treasure, composure, signature, etc.exposure,名词,意思是:因为处于一个特殊的情况或田地中而要履历一些事情或者被影响(简朴明白为遭受、面临即可),某人干的坏事被揭发的事实,在电视上或报纸等媒体上宣传、报道、曝光的事实,因为袒露于严寒中而导致的冻伤、受寒,底片中的一张,曝光时间,曝光量,朝向、方位。大家可以看出来,虽然意思比力多,可是都是和曝光、向外袒露有关的。

面向和朝向的意思也是一样,对吧?学单词,只记着意思可不行,会用才行,小同伴们可以在评论区造句,我们一起学习哦!我先来:造句:I want our bedroom has a southern exposure, so it's warm in winter.I want our bedroom has a southern exposure, so it's warm in winter.After the exposure of his extramarital affair, everyone was disappointed with him.After the exposure of his extramarital affair, everyone was disappointed with him.There are 24 exposures on this film.There are 24 exposures on this film.Exposure的英文解释: the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or placethe fact of something bad that someone has done being made publicthe fact of an event or information being often discussed in newspapers and on the television, etc.a serious medical condition that is caused by being outside in very cold weathera single photograph on a piece of film, or the amount of time a piece of film is open to the light when making a photographthe direction in which something faces扩展阅读:expose什么意思 composure什么意思 posture什么意思 reassure什么意思 本文由和我一起背考研单词原创,接待关注,和你一起进步!。



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